We advise clients in the HPT sector in Kenya on a wide range of corporate & regulatory compliance, intellectual property and dispute resolution matters. McKay regularly advises healthcare stakeholders across the health products & technologies supply chain including pharmaceuticals, distributors, hospitals, manufacturers, research organisations and others. We advise on regulatory requirements of HPTs including the entire lifecycle of market authorization, distribution and enforcement.
We also advise on M&As, corporate matters, competition issues and employment law applicable to the HPT sector in Kenya.
Some of the recent matters that we have handled include:
Pharmacy: advised and drafted a franchise agreement between a key pharmaceutical player and a pharmacy with wide operations within Nairobi;
Medical devices: advised a medical infrastructure investor with respect to conclusion of a medical oxygen, medical air and medical vacuum plants placement contract with a Kenyan company involved in the business of supplies and delivers medical gases’ generating plants and related healthcare services and products, and also aims to build hospitals’ capacities and promote access to affordable healthcare;
M&A: advised a leading investor in healthcare infrastructure in Kenya together with its founding shareholders in an ongoing re-acquisition of a majority stake in the company from a private equity fund;
Listing: acted as legal transaction advisors of a leading healthcare services investor in its intended listing on the main investments market segment (MIMS) of the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE);
Hospital: advised a leading healthcare services provider in the acquisition of a piece of land in the Tatu City, Kenya’s first operational special economic zone (SEZ), and advised on the setting up of an ultramodern healthcare facility;
Employment: advised a leading healthcare provider on the setting up a new doctor’s plaza and on the contractual engagement with healthcare professionals.